me and my ramblings


I'm Emma, and I'm married to Alex. This is us.

We live in a cosy little house in Maidenhead and we met while both working in media in London.  Since then I have put my love of learning to good use, first in adult learning and development and most recently by re-training as a primary school teacher.  Life as a teacher certainly throws up its fair share of challenges and takes way more than its fair share of my life, time and brain, but I love it and that's what matters.

I also love life, my husband and food. And squirrels. And going for nice walks. And photography. And playing board games at Christmas.

But I've also always been super curious about people too. What they do, say, think and feel. And why. Not least of all what I do, say, think and feel. And why. That remains a mystery, albeit one I'm slowly unravelling!

As part of my unravelling (not literally, I'm still pretty much holding it together) I've become even more fascinated in all the various worlds of psychology, NLP, positive psychology, meditation, mindfulness, hypnotherapy, and so the list goes on.

Especially the concept of happiness, what it means and where it comes from.

So I've decided that 2012 is going to be my project happy and I'm upping my efforts to delve more deeply into the area to see what I can find, and then I shall be sharing all on this blog as a mixture of random ramblings, experiences, and all sorts.

I should probably point out I'm not in any way qualified to write about any of this other than 1. I have a mind; 2. I like to speak it and 3. I like being happy.

So, here we go...


  1. Sounds like a very worthwhile project to me! Personal faves that help me feel fulfilled are: 20 minutes meditation every morning (helps me feel calm and be less neurotic), yoga (helps me feel centred, strong and fearless), healthy food (helps me feel good about myself), good music that stirs my soul, being assertive and letting go of relationships that are not working anymore. There are a few others that I'm working on now: connecting to and expressing my creativity and connecting more with others.

    1. Thanks v much for your's great to hear from other like minded people! and thanks for the tips, I'm yet to try yoga (it's on the list!) but am a big fan of pilates. My photography blog is my attempt at being creative every day and so far so good there. Good luck with it all :)

    2. what's happened lately? there hasn't been a post in forever! i'm am (was) an avid reader and want to hear the latest update in both your life (keen interest - not in a weird way, but been here from the beginning!) and how to be happy! surely there must be an update? (especially on this page, as from your blog it sounds like you left media a long time ago!)

    3. Dear anonymous, you'll be pleased to see I have now updated this page. I hope you have been enjoying my recent posts - I'm not going to apologise for any periods of absence or long silences on here. I write this blog for me and if others choose to join in that's really great and I appreciate all the comments. But the moment this blog stops becoming a spontaneous vehicle for me to write whatever it is I need to write about at the time, it loses its whole point of being. It needs to be spontaneous not forced. Normally when I go quiet it's because there is a lot swirling around in my mind that need to swirl and whirl and digest so that I can understand what it all means, let alone find a way to write about it all for anybody else to understand. Other times posts just pop out of nowhere left right and centre. I find that writing a post because I feel I have to feels unauthentic and doesn't read as well - like this one for example. I've resisted answering this post until now, I don't really feel I need to but something about leaving you unanswered bothers me.
      The last few years have seen a huge amount of change for me, much of which I have written about. Re-training and embarking on a whole new career amongst other things is time consuming so sometimes I just want to live what time I have of my life outside of that, rather than write about it. I'm sure you understand :) I hope you'll continue or at least re-start being an avid reader... but maybe have a back up plan just in case I go quiet again ;)


please do join in the makes me happy!